Sunday, October 28, 2018

FedEx Address Validation Works and Tips on Getting Accurate Address Matches

How FedEx Address Validation Works

* Checks if the street exists in the city and state/province or postal entered.

* Checks if the street number is within a valid range for the street entered.

* Provides an exact match or possible alternatives when an exact match cannot be found based on the street number, street name, city, state/province, and postal entered.

* Informs you if no possible alternatives can be found based on the street number, street name, city, state/province, and postal entered.

* Up to 100 addresses can be checked in one Web Service request.

Tips on Getting Accurate Address Matches

1) Use correct spacing – Make sure spaces are placed correctly and avoid unnecessary spaces.

2) Use correct spelling - Eliminate spelling and typographic errors. Make sure you have the correct usage of the number zero (0) and letter O.

3) Avoid special characters - Refrain from using special characters not required for the address, such as periods after abbreviations (Ave vs. Ave.).

4) Provide additional address and street information - Providing additional address information can increase the accuracy of address results. For example:

Building or house number - 1, 1A, One
Street name - Main, George Washington, 42nd
Street Suffix - Road, Avenue, Rd, Ave

5) Enter city, state/province and postal- Providing all address information will increase the accuracy of your results. The ZIP+4 portion of the postal code is not necessary to check an address.


6) Use correct abbreviations - The United States Postal Service and postal authorities in other countries define standard abbreviations for state/province, street suffix, and apartment/unit designations. A non-standard abbreviation may cause poor search results. If you are unsure about an abbreviation, do not use it.

7) Company - Providing a company name may improve your results. Some addresses have specific company names assigned to them. By including the company name in your transaction, Address Validation can search for that company and address.


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