Saturday, October 20, 2018

Display the Name of the Sales Rep on Transactions Excluding the Employee ID

When creating a transaction, the Sales Rep field shows the employee name and the record ID combined (e.g. EMPxxxxx Jeff Petersen).

To print just the name of the sales rep on transactions, a custom field can be created as a replacement of the standard Sales Rep field.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New.

2. Set Type to Free-Form text.

3. Unmark the Store Value checkbox.

4. Under Applies To tab, mark the target record type (e.g. Sale, Purchase etc.)

5. Under Validation & Defaulting tab > enable the Formula checkbox and set Default Value to: SUBSTR({salesrep},INSTR({salesrep},' '),LENGTH({salesrep}))

6. Click Save.


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