Monday, October 29, 2018

Date of asset cost under cost addition column



Fixed assets> Reports> Asset register> Date of asset cost under cost addition column

What is the parameter for the asset cost to appear on the cost addition column?


The cost will be posted as addition on the date of the acquisition.
1. View the Fixed Assets> Depreciation History> set the Show Schedule Entries? to all
2. Note the date of the acquisition (Ex. 2/1/2012)
3. Run the Asset Register and set the Period start date to 2/1/2012 to 2/29/2012. Asset amount will be under cost addition column.

To test:
1. Create asset via Proposal
---Navigate to Fixed Assets> Asset Proposal

2. Marked the transaction. Take note of the date. Ex. 1/1/2012

3. Once created, open the fixed asset and go to Depreciation History tab > Acquisition transaction will be automatically created. Take note of the date. This will also be 1/1/2012

4. Run the asset register that will cover the date of the acquisition. 1/1/2012-1/31/2012
Asset amount will be under cost addition column

5. To validate this I edited the acquisition date to 2/1/2012 and run again the asset register for 1/1/2012-1/31/2012. Asset amount will no longer be on the cost addition but when if you run 2/1/2012-2/29/2012 the amount will again appear on the cost addition column.

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