Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Create a Transaction Saved Search for all Restocked Item Lines

There is a Restock checkbox in the Item Receipt transaction form where you have the option of restocking the returned item or not.  However, this field is not available on a saved report or search.

In Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences, the option not to restock items is available as long you have set up a Write-Off Account for Returns in the Order Management tab.  To make this saved search, the Write-Off Account must be: 

A. Different from the Inventory Asset accounts of your item records; or
B. The account type used is not Other Current Asset.

Here are the steps:

1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Select the Transactions link.
3. In the Criteria tab, add the following fields and descriptions:

Type is Item Receipt
Created From : Type is Return Authorization
Main Line is false
Account is {enter the inventory accounts assigned to your items}
* Another option is to use Account : Type is Other Current Asset
4. Click on the Results tab and add the necessary fields needed, most importantly the Item and Quantity fields.
5. Rename the saved search and click on the Save button.
6. Run the results of the saved search.

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