Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Create Online Customer Form with just the Email Field Displayed

When creating Online Customer Form the Company Name, First Name or Last Name is set as a Mandatory field. Below are the steps to create an Online Customer Form that will only ask for the Email Address normally used for Newsletters.

1. Create Online Customer form:
    a. Navigate to Setup > Marketing > Online Customer Form > New.
    b. Set the Title.
    c. Add fields for Email and Company Name.
    d. Set the Company Name to Mandatory and check Hide.
    e. Save Online Customer Form.
2. Set default value for Mandatory fields by using Passing Parameters:
    a. Copy the Publishable URL of the Online Customer Form under the External tab.
    b. Append a default value for the Company Name at the end of the URL using Passing Parameters:

  Sample : https://forms.netsuite.com/app/site/crm/externalleadpage.nl?compid=819158&formid=74&h=24842dbe1fbb9f1b17cf&companyname=Newsletter

This creates a form with just the email field and once a Customer submits their Email Address it creates a new customer record with the Company Name Newsletter.

For more information on passing URL parameters, review SuiteAnswers article: Passing Parameters Through URLs, Answer Id: 9456

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