Friday, October 26, 2018

Create Issue Saved Search that Pulls up Latest Issue Update

  • The Details tab of an Issue is available so that users may see on what are the latest updates or progress made as mentioned by the employee.
  • There are instances wherein a user wants to see if the ongoing issues have updates within the week for example, and users do not want to open each issue one by one.
  • The users only want to pull up the latest update made together with some important information such as the date of update, the author, and the message.
  1. Create an Issue Saved Search and navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
  2. Select Issue.
  3. Criteria tab:
    User Notes fields...: Memo > is not empty.
  4. Results tab:
  • Number - Summary Type: Group

  • Assigned To – Summary type: Group

  • Formula (text) - Summary Type: Maximum Formula: max(to_char (substr({usernotes.note},1,4000)))keep(dense_rank last order by{usernotes.notedate})

  • Formula (date) - Summary Type: Maximum Formula: {usernotes.notedate}

  • Formula (Text) - Summary Type: Maximum Formula: max(to_char (substr({},1,500)))keep(dense_rank last order by{usernotes.notedate})

5. Click Save & Run. 

Note: The first Formula (text) field will pull up the latest notes (remarks) made by the employee under the details tab of the issue.

The Formula (date) field pulls up the date of the latest notes.

The second Formula (text) field pulls up the author of the latest note in the issue.

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