Monday, October 22, 2018

Attach a File in an Email and Make it Auto-Suggest the Next Time it will be Used in a Merge

If you have attached a file to a previous merge and plans to use it on another mail merge in the future, please follow the steps below to make it auto-suggest.

1. List> Relationships> Customers
2. View a Customer record> General> Messages> Click on Email
3. On the New Message pop up, hit on Attachments tab> Attach File> Hit on (>>)> New> Browse> Select the File from your desktop> OpenMore OptionsSet Folder to "Templates : E-mail Templates"> Save
4. To confirm, repeat steps 1 and 2> On the New Message pop up, hit on Attachments tab> Attach File> Type in the first three letters of the File name and notice it's now appearing on the pop up as an option. 

NOTE: The folder "Templates : E-mail Templates" was just used for testing purposes. The important thing is you save the file on a specific folder for it to auto-suggest the next time it will be used.

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