Saturday, October 20, 2018

Attach Email Messages with Message Details to Support Cases via CSV Import

Currently, Support Case import can be run to upload email messages; however, user can only indicate the actual Message. Date, Sender, Subject and Recipient data cannot be included in the import. As a result, whoever runs the import becomes the Sender and the import date becomes the default Message Date. 

The request to be able to import case message with specific details is being tracked on Enhancement 20729.

As an alternate solution, a Messages import can be run. Below are the steps:

1. Prepare a CSV file similar to this:

Case Internal ID Sender Subject Message Recipient Date
1234 EMP001 Feature Request Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
Contact 85 12/30/2011

2. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records and set the following:

  • Import Type = Communications
  • Record Type = Messages

3. Upload the CSV file from Step 1 and click Next.

4. Choose Add for Data Handling and click Next.

5. In the Field Mapping page, set the following mapping:

  • Case Internal ID <==> Message : Activity
    Click the pencil icon next to Case Internal ID and choose Internal ID for Reference Type
  • Sender <==> Message : From
  • Subject <==> Message : Subject
  • Message <==> Message : Message
  • Recipient <==> Message : Attach to
  • Date <==> Message : Date

6. Click Next.

7. Optional: Provide an Import Map Name.

8. Click Save & Run.

If the Job Status page shows the import is 100% complete, pull up the case number and look at the Messages tab to confirm if the message has been successfully attached.

Important Note:
The import only attaches messages to the case for documentation purposes. The process cannot be used to send out emails to specified recipients.

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