Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Allow Shoppers to Check and Change the Registered Email Address in Review and Submit of Web store with Standard Checkout

Shoppers sometimes enter an incorrect email address during the Web Store registration process. This results in customers not being able to receive any Webstore Order Approved, Order Received, Order Cancelled, or Order Fulfilled Confirmation emails. And so in order for shoppers to have an option to view and modify their registered email, a link could be placed in the Review and Submit page that would allow them to do so.

To display a link that allows a shopper to modify their registered email address, kindly follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Lists > Web site > Tabs.
2. Click the Edit link next to the Checkout tab.
3. In the Place Order Page Message text editor, click on the HTML Source Code Mode icon.
4. Enter this sample tag:

Is your email address <%=getCurrentAttribute('customer','email')%> ? if not, click <a href="/app/center/">here</a> to change the email address

5. Click Save.

Review and Submit Page:

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