Friday, September 7, 2018

WS > PHPToolkit > delete and deleteList code samples

Note: The information contained in this article may or may not lead to the alteration of data in your production account, thus NetSuite holds no liability whether you choose to follow the instructions. In the event that data is deleted, altered or removed and requires restoration there will be applicable fees. Please proceed with caution.

Note: This article applies to the PHP Toolkit before version 2012.2.

User wishes to perform a delete or deleteList Web Services operation using the PHPToolkit.  This article illustrates sample code that makes this possible.

  • This article requires existing knowledge of Web Services and PHP.

Delete sample code:

    require_once '../PHPtoolkit.php';
    require_once 'login_info.php';

    global $myNSclient;

    # ===============

    // create array of customerRef fields
    $customerFields = array (
        'internalId'    => 123,
        'type'          => 'customer'

    // create recordRef
    $customer = new nsComplexObject('RecordRef');

    // set fields

    // perform delete operation
    $deleteResponse = $myNSclient->delete($customer);

    // handle response
    if (!$deleteResponse->isSuccess) {

        echo "<font color='red'><b>" . $deleteResponse->statusDetail[0]->message . "</b></font>";

    } else {

        echo "<font color='green'><b>SUCCESS!!!</b></font>";


The above code would generate the following SOAP request for the delete request:

<baseRef internalId="123" type="customer" xsitype="RecordRef" />

DeleteList sample code:

    require_once '../PHPtoolkit.php';
    require_once 'login_info.php';

    global $myNSclient;

    # ===============

    // create array of customerRef fields
    $customerFields1 = array (
        'internalId'    => 123,
        'type'          => 'customer'

    // create 2nd array of customerRef fields
    $customerFields2 = array (
        'internalId'    => 124,
        'type'          => 'customer'

    // create recordRef
    $customer1 = new nsComplexObject('RecordRef');

    // create 2nd recordRef
    $customer2 = new nsComplexObject('RecordRef');

    // perform deleteList operation
    $deleteListResponse = $myNSclient->deleteList(array($customer1, $customer2));

    // handle response
    if (!$deleteListResponse->isSuccess) {

        echo "<font color='red'><b>" . $deleteListResponse->statusDetail[0]->message . "</b></font>";

    } else {

        echo "<font color='green'><b>SUCCESS!!!</b></font>";


The above code would generate the following SOAP request for the deleteList request:

<baseRef internalId="123" type="customer" xsitype="RecordRef" />
<baseRef internalId="124" type="customer" xsitype="RecordRef" />


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