Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Unable to Save Employee Record due to Error: "Adding access to this user exceeds the number of licenses you have purchased..."

Error message Adding access to this user exceeds the number of licenses you have purchased... appears when trying to Edit and Save an existing Employee Record.

Whether or not changes are made on the Employee Record as long as the User clicks on the Edit then Save button the message would show.  

To resolve the problem, check the following:

1. Navigate to Setup > Company > View Billing Information
2. Check the following licenses:

- Advanced Partner Center
Employee Center
Full Access User
- Retail User
- WS Concurrent User

3. Compare the Current Provisioned Qty column and Current Used Qty column.

Note: Current Used Qty should always be equal or less than the Provisioned Qty column.

If Current Used Qty column is greater than the Current Provisioned Qty, the Administrator can do either of the following:

1. Remove excess access from the list of current users
2. Buy additional licenses by contacting the Account Manager

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