Thursday, September 13, 2018

Unable to Process Credit Card Payment When Requested Amount Exceeds Originally Authorized Amount.


Users sometimes receive the error message "Credit Card Processing Error: Unfortunately, the credit card transaction failed. The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount."

To illustrate:

The sales order is partially fulfilled. Items left on the order yet to be fulfilled are on backorder. As soon as the items gain stock and is ready to be fulfilled and billed, an error is thrown upon saving the cash sale/payment "The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount". This happens if users try to capture an amount larger than the original authorization amount. This reason code only applies if users are processing a capture through the API. See Using the API for Captures and Credits. Possible action: Issue a new authorization and capture request for the new amount.

To successfully process, perform the following:

1. Navigate to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.
2. Click Edit next to the Sales Order to be processed.
3. Click Payment tab.
4. Click Get Authorization checkbox.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Bill button.
7. Confirm Credit Card charge.

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