Thursday, September 13, 2018

Unable to Fulfill Sales Orders on FedEx Beta

If users encounter "Could not calculate cost for theselected real time rate.  FedEx rates cannot be calculated: Anunexpected error has occurred" when creating Sales Order using FedExshipping items except FedEx Ground in Beta account or "Invalid Account orMeter Number" in fulfilling orders using FedEx Ground in Beta account,consider the following:

  • User makes use of production meter number that only works in production environment.  FedEx upgraded their platform for testing to a new version.  Their web integration platform was discontinued and moved to new platform webservices in July 2007.
  • With this new version, users need to sign up and will get one certification to authenticate. User has to process subscription request to get a meter number for the test server.
  • To gain access to test server, perform the following:
    • Visit
    • Hover mouse on Learn > click on Developer Resource Center
    • Click on Technical Resources > FedEx Web Services for Shipping > Develop & Test Your Application > then click on Obtain Developer Test Key
    • For assistance on what addresses are valid or are used specifically for test account numbers, call FedEx at 1.877.339.2774 > choose to be directed to FedEx Ship Manager Team
  • Once satisfied with the test (i.e. no errors are encountered and rates are computed), users can move their account to production.
  • FedEx does not require users under old platform to sign up to the new version.  They can still visit FedEx website to Get Rates & Transit Times.  Existing accounts can still be used in production and this only affect tests accounts.

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