Thursday, September 13, 2018

Show Customer ID and Customer Name as Separate fields in transaction saved search.

Solution(s)/Alternate Solution(s):

A. Use of an SQL formula:
1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
2. Click Transaction.
3. Enter the needed filters in the Criteria tab.
4. Under the Results tab, enter the needed information and add the following:
Formula (Text) = SUBSTR ({name}, 1,5)
Formula (Text) = SUBSTR ({name}, 7,40)
5. Preview or save the search.

* Please note that first formula is supposed to return the Customer ID which is assumed as the first five digits/characters on the "Name". The second formula will return the customer/company
name which is assumed as the 7th character up to the 40th. You can change numbers as required.

This will result to accurate results only if the customer ID/number consists of a non-varying number of digits. In this sample formula, it is assumed that all customer IDs are 5 digits and the customer name is not more than 35 characters. If your custimer IDs are all 6 digits, your formula should be SUBSTR ({name}, 1,6) and SUBSTR ({name}, 8,40).

* This option is also used if not using auto-generated numbers for customers since the alternate name field is only available when using auto-generated numbers.

B. Use customer join fields:
1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
2. Click Transaction.
3. Enter the needed filters in the Criteria tab.
4. Under the Results tab, enter the needed information and add the following:
Customer fields: Name or Company Name*
Customer fields: Number or ID
5. Preview or save the search.

* when using auto-generated numbers for customers, Customer fields: Name is used. If not using auto-generated numbers for customers, Customer fields: Company Name is used.

Other Note: Users may attach their case to Enhancement 108987: Ability to Show the Customer ID and Customer Name as Separate fields.

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