Sunday, September 16, 2018

Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records > Transactions > Customer Payment > How to update the "Status" from "Undeposited" to "Deposited"?


·        User would like to debit a specificbank account instead of the Undeposited Fundsaccount in the Customer Payment

·        User would like to switch Status of Customer Paymentfrom Undeposited to Deposited via CSV Import (Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records > Transaction > CustomerPayment > DataHandling = Update)

·        User added a BankAccount column in the CSV fileand mapped this field during import

                Bank Account <> Customer Payment : Account

·        View the CustomerPayment in NetSuite

·        Status remainedas Undeposited and account stillshows as Undeposited Funds in the GL Impact after import instead of bankaccount



·        Add Undep.Funds as a column in the CSV file and set No as the values of the rows under that column

·        Set the values of the rows under these columns:

·        InternalID (for the Customer Payments that we wish to update)

·        Account(for the bank accounts where the Customer Paymentwill be deposited to)

·        Navigate to Setup > Import/Export> Import CSV Records

·        Set:

ImportType = Transactions

RecordType = Customer Payment

·        Choose CSV file

·        Hit the Nextbutton

·        Set DataHandling = Update

·        Hit the Nextbutton

·        Map the following fields:

·        InternalID <> Customer Payment : Internal ID

·        Account<> Customer Payment : Account

·        Undep.Funds <> Customer Payment : Undep. Funds

·        Hit the Nextbutton

·        Hit Save andRun button (after setting a value under Import Map Name) or the Run button (without saving the CSVTemplate)

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