Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Send Email to Customers for Overdue Invoices and Include Open JournalEntries

To send email to customers for overdue invoices and include open journal entries, create a Transaction Saved Search by following the steps below:


1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New > Transaction

2. Add the following Criteria > Standard
o (( Type is Invoice
o Days Overdue is greater than 0
o Main Line is Yes

o Amount Remaining is greater than 0) Or
o ( Type is Journal
o Account is Accounts Receivable (or whatever A/R account was used on the JE)
o Amount Remaining is greater than 0
o Formula (Text) {name} is not empty ))

3. Add the following in the Results tab> Column:
o Date
o Name
o Number
o Due Date
o Amount Remaining

4. Under Email tab:
- Put a check mark on Send Emails According to Schedule and Summarize Scheduled Emails
- In the Recipients from Results tab > Recipient field > add Name
- Enter a customize message in the Customize Message subtab
o In the Schedule tab, set your desired schedule for the email to be sent out.

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