Thursday, September 13, 2018

Send an Automatic Opt In Confirmation Email to Everyone Who Fills Out an Online Form

The User would like NetSuite to send an Opt-in Confirmation Email to new leads created by online form submissions because the Send Auto-Reply Email selection in the Online Lead Form do not include the Opt-in confirmation emails.

The workaround for this is to schedule a daily mass update that auto-send the Opt-in Confirmation email to new leads created each day. To set the mass update, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.
     2. Expand Marketing.
     3. Select Send Subscription Message to Customers.
     4. Provide a Title of Action.
     5. Select Opt-In Confirmation radio button.
     6. In the Criteria tab, set the following filters:

  • Status is Lead
  • Date Created is Today

     7. Click the Schedule tab.
     8. Check Run Update According To Schedule.
     9. Select Daily Event, Repeat every 1 day
     10. Uncheck No End Date.
     11. Click Save.


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