Saturday, September 15, 2018

Search Items based on Units Type, Stock Units, Purchase Units, and Sale Units

Enhancement 54201 was filed to have the ability to Quick Search items based on Units Type, Stock Units, Purchase Units, and Sale Units but was set to Closed - As Designed..

Instead of using Quick Search, which will only limit the user to search by item name, we can use Search Form. 

Steps to setup Search Form:
1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Item.
2. Criteria: Include criteria needed to limit the result e.g type=inventory or inactive=F
3. Click on Available Filters Tab
4. Click on the select Units Type under Filter column.
5. Check the Show in Footer column.
6. Click the next line to select Stock Unit under the Filter column.
7. Check the Show in Footer column.
8. Click the next line to select Purchase Unit under the Filter column.
9. Check the Show in Footer column.
10. Click the next line to select Sale Unit under the Filter column.
11. Check the Show in Footer column.
12. Check the Public checkbox on the main section of the saved search.
13. Save.
14. Go to Home Dashboard
15. Click Personalize Dashboard on the upper right portion of the dashboard.
16. Click Search Form.
17. Point the arrow icon on the upper right portion of the Search Form portlet.
18. Click Setup.
19. Select the Item Search Created on the Search Form : Search field.
20. Save

The portlet should look like the Quick Search Portlet that can be used to search Items by Units Type, Stock Unit, Purchase Unit, and Sale Unit.

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