Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Search for Transactions that Trigger Changes in COGS from Previous Periods.

Users may notice changes in their financial records notwithstanding absence of any transaction posted in previous periods.

To verify if there indeed was no transaction edited, created or inserted in the current period which is posted in a previous period, consider creating a search. To create the same search, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Reports > New Search > Transaction.
  2. Click Create Saved Search.
  3. On Criteria tab and Standard subtab, set the following:
    • System Notes field… > Date = set a date.
    • System Notes field… > Type = Change
    • Date = set a date
    • Type = none of Sales Order, Purchase Order, Return Authorizations
    • Main Line = Yes
  4. On Results tab and Columns subtab, set:
    • System Notes Field… > Date
  5. Click Preview or Save.

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