Friday, September 14, 2018

Search for Items with no sales transactions for a particular period

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

2. Click Item.

3. Under Criteria tab > Standard sub tab > Filter, do not set anything.

4. Under Criteria tab > Summary sub tab > Set the following:

- Summary Type: Maximum
- Field: Formula (Date)
- Description: is not after: date that will be used as threshold
- Formula: max(case when {transaction.type} <> any('Cash Sale','Invoice') then {transaction.trandate} end)
Under Criteria tab > Standard sub tab> Set the following:
- Filter Column: Formula Numeric
- Description: is 1
- Formula: case when {transaction.type} <> any('Cash Sale', 'Invoice')then 1 else 0 end 

5. Under Resultstab > Columns sub tab > Field, set the following:
- Name > Summary Type = Group.

6. Click Save& Run.

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