Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Save and Associate the Form W-4 to the Employee Record

A Form W-4 is a formaccomplished by an employee for an employer indicating his exemptions andSocial Security Number (SSN). This enables the employer to determine thecorrect amount of income tax to be withheld from the employee's pay.

New hire employees submit their signed W-4 as attachmentfiles (normally in .pdf) to the appropriate department, usually Human Resourcevia email.

The designated personnel/manager keeps a record of it onthe Employee Record.

To attach the file to the Employee Record:
1. Download/Save the W-4 file (attachment) fromemployee's email
2. View the Employee Record to where the file should beattached by navigating to Lists >Employees > Employees > View
3. Navigate to Communicationtab > Files subtab
4. Click New File
5. Click Browsebutton > search for the W-4 file > choose the file > click Open
6. Click Save

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