Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sales Tax Report for Non-US Subsidiaries

If a user gets No Data Available when running a sales tax report under Reports > Sales Tax US (e.g. Sales Tax Liability By Item) for a non-US subsidiary, consider that sales tax reports under Reports > Sales Tax US pertain to transactions for US subsidiaries. The Transaction Detail report however, may be customized to get a tax report for non-US subsidiaries. To create the same, perform the following:

1.  Navigate to Reports > Financial > Transaction Detail > Customize.

2.  On Edit Columns section, add fields from Transaction > Sales Tax Item: Name (Grouped) and Tax Rate.

3.  Add a Formula Field for the Tax Amount. Formula Type = Multiply x*y, x= Amount and y = Tax Rate.

4.  Filter for Income accounts. Use the Account (Line) field from the Transaction folder of the Filters section.

5.  Rename the custom report and Save.

Note: There are canned sales tax reports for CAN, UK and AU subsidiaries. Report links are Tax (GST/HST, PST) – for CAN, AU and VAT for UK. For other countries, the abovementioned custom report may be used.

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