Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Report on Discount Items showing the amount of discounts that areapplied to Sales Orders

Customize a Sales Order By Item Report
1. Navigate Reports > Sales Order > Sales Order by Item Report > Customize Details
2. On the Report Builder under Edit Columns, click on Bookings Folder then select "Amount (Gross)". 
3. On the Report Preview section, highlight the column for Amount (Gross) then check the Add Grand Total field. Subtotals for each discount items are added to show the Grand Total. 
4. On Filters page, click on the Item Type Folder. Then, select Item Type (key field) and a window will appear on the Report Preview section. Set the filter to "equal to". Then, click the tiny button found on the right side of the window and select Discount.
5. Click Done.
6. Then, Preview or Save.

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