This solution applies to Web Stores that are using the default Checkout Process.
If the Reference Cart and One Page Checkout is deployed in the Web Store, the Company Field does not appear in the Shipping and Billing step.
In Setup > Site Builder > Setup Website > Shopping Tab > Registration Page section, when the Display Company Field on Registration Page Preference is False, the Company field still shows in the Shipping and Billing Address Page in the checkout process.
To hide that field:
1. Create a custom website tag. Navigate to Setup > Site Builder > Tags > New.
2. Enter a name in the Label field for the custom website tag. Leave the Default Value field blank.
3. Click Save.
4. Navigate to Setup > Site Builder > Themes.
5. Click the Edit link next to the current theme being used in the webstore.
6. Go to the Body subtab. In the Footer template field, enter the custom tag you just created.
7. Click Save.
8. Navigate to Lists > Website > Tabs.
9. Click the Edit link next to the Checkout tab.
10. In the Tag Substitution tab, select the custom tag. Enter the sample script below in the Substitution Value column.
For reference, other fields in the Shipping/Billing Page:
Name attention_input_fs_lbl
Address 1 addr1_fs_lbl
Address 2 addr2_fs_lbl
State dropdownstate_fs_lbl
City city_fs_lbl
Country country_fs_lbl
Zip zip_fs_lbl
Phone phone_fs_lbl
Note: This has been filed as Enhancement 166299 - Setup > Web Site > Site Builder > Shopping Tab > when Display Company Field on Registration Page field is off, Company field is still showing in the Shipping and Billing Address in the Checkout page.
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