Thursday, September 13, 2018

Refunding Credit Card with PayPal

PayPal has a default security setting which does not allow a refund to be processed unless the P/N Ref. number from the original credit card transaction is included with the refund transaction. If users view the NetSuite Cash Sale or Customer Payment transaction where the credit card was originally charged, users will find the P/N Ref. number on the Payments tab. Copy and paste the P/N Ref. number from the original Cash Sale or Customer Payment transaction into the P/N Ref. number field on the refund transaction.

Alternately, you can process the refund without the P/N Ref. number directly through the PayPal Manager at

Login to PayPal account and process the refund. Then go back to your NetSuite application and process the refund as you normally would with one exception:

  • Under the Payments subtab make sure to clear the Process Credit Card checkbox and manually enter the authorization code that was given on the PayPal Manager site.

By following either of these processes users will be able to refund customer's credit card as well as show the refund in forms and reports within NetSuite application.

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