Saturday, September 8, 2018

Quantity Fulfilled/Received column in Transaction Saved Search Displays Null Values for Items not Received


Business Use Case:

1) Currently, the Quantity Fulfilled/Received column randomly returns zero and null values for this for items that were not yet received, when it should only show zero, not null.


2) For those where null values are being returned, if you will check the purchase order form, you will see that the Received column is zero, not blank.




This issue has been addressed by Issue 164017 but has been closed as fact of life as this is not something that Netsuite can change now.  But there is a workaround provided on the issue, and that is, to use the NVL function to replace this column.  Please see below steps:


1.       Navigate  to Results tab > Columns subtab, and add a line for Formula (numeric).

2.       Click on the Set Formula button after placing your cursor on the formula field.

3.       On the Function drop down, select NVL.

4.       On the field drop down, look for Quantity Fulfilled/Received.

5.       On the Formula field, replace expr1 with {quantityshiprecv} and replace expr2 with zero, such that it will appear as NVL({quantityshiprecv},0).

6.       Hit Set.

7.     Save & Run the Saved Search


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