Sunday, September 9, 2018

Print Time on Transaction Forms


      A. Create the Custom Body field


1.       Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New

2.       On the custom body field, select the following for the fields
   o        Type = Time of Day
   o        Store Value = F 
   o        Applies To subtab = select which transaction forms you want the custom field to be available, (e.g. Sale)
   o        Display subtab = Main
o        Validation & Defaulting subtab = Dynamic default=current date/time 

3.       Click Save.

B. Make the custom body field become available to the transaction form.

1.       Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

2.       From the lists, select the transaction form (e.g. Invoice), and click Edit.

3.       On the custom form, click the Printing Fields tab > Body subtab

4.       Look for the custom field from Step A.

5.       Mark the Print/Email checkbox.

6.       Click Save.



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