Saturday, September 8, 2018

Print Canada - Business Number (EIN) on Custom Transaction Forms

     To include Business Number (EIN) in printed forms, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Printing & Fax 
     2. Click the Printing tab.
     3. In the Transactions section, check Print Business Number on Forms.
     4. Click Save.
     5. Navigate to Customization > Forms >  Transaction Forms.
     6. Edit the preferred transaction form.

Note: If the preferred form is the Standard Form (e.g. Standard Sales Order Form), no need to customize the form, unless to change the field Label.
     7. Click the Printing Fields tab.
     8. In the Header subtab, check Show for the Business Number field.
     9. Change Label if applicable (by default name is Tax ID #).
     10. Click Save.


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