Monday, September 10, 2018

Notify Employees of Their Approved Time

A time search can be created to fire an email for approved time entries based on schedule. To do this, kindly follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Transactions > Employees > Track Time > Search
2. Mark Use Advanced Search checkbox if unmarked
3. Click Create Saved Search
4. Specify a name for the Search (ex. Approved Time Entries Email Notification)
5. Under Criteria tab, select Approved as filter and set it to Yes
6. Click Set
7. Under Results tab, user can select the preferred columns
8. Under Email tab, mark Send Emails According to Schedule
Note: User may opt to select Summarize Scheduled Emails and Send if No Results
9. On the Recipients from Results subtab, add Employee as Recipient Field
10. On the Schedule subtab, set the schedule (Daily Event/Weekly Event etc.) per user's preference.
11. Click Save

The ability to send email notification to an employee once a time entry is approved/rejected is tracked at Enhancement 142887. This article is an alternate solution to receive email alerts based on schedule.  

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