Saturday, September 8, 2018

Multiple Sandbox Account IDs

There are instances when a customer has more than one sandbox account and uses the same login. Each sandbox has its own unique ID. 

The Company name under Setup > Company > Company Information may have been changed which no longer makes the company/account name descriptive if the sandbox account is SB1, SB2, etc. 

The account number may be identified by using another option aside from checking through the company/account name at the top right corner of the page when logged in. 

      1. Login to Sandbox -
      2. Navigate to Support > Go to SuiteAnswers.
      3. Click on Contact Support by Phone.
      4. From the pop-up window, copy the URL to another browser.
      5. Insert the word sandbox in between system and netsuite on the URL just like on step 1.

User can also navigate to Setup > Company > Billing Questions > Contact Support Online Section in Sandbox where he will find the sandbox and username. 

In Production, Navigate to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts to see the list of sandbox accounts provisioned for your company.

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