Thursday, September 13, 2018

List of Customers with No Sales Order for a Certain Period

To display list of customers with no sales order for a certain period, perform the following:

1.    Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches> New.

2.    Click Customer.

3.    Under Criteria tab and Standard subtab, set the following:

1.    Transaction Fields… > Type =  Sales Order

4.    Under Criteria tab and Summary subtab:

1.    Summary Type = Maximum

2.    Field = Transaction : Date (Transaction Fields... > Date)

3.    Description = Is on or before 12/31/08 or the date you prefer

5.    Under Results tab and Columns subtab, set the following Summary Type:

1.    Name : Group

2.    Transaction Fields... > Date : Maximum

6.    If there are other fields that users need to add, go back to Results tab and Columns subtab, select the field and select a summary type.

7.    Enter a name for the custom search.

8.    Click Save.


Customizing Reports > Sales Orders > Sales Orders by Customer > Customize Summary > More Options > Show Zeros = Checked, it will not display customers with no Sales Order.

Customizing Sales Orders by Customer > Customize Summary > Filters > Bookings : Total (Transaction) equal to 0, it will display customers with Sales Order with value of 0 or those that have voided sales but not customers with no sales order.


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