Thursday, September 20, 2018

List of Customer Records with the latest System Notes Entry or Update

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Click Customer.
3. Criteria tab > Standard subtab > set the following Filter:
       >Status = select customer statuses as desired

4. Criteria tab > Summary subtab > set the following:
       >Summary Type = Maximum
       > Field = Formula (Numeric). On the pop up window:
           - Formula box = max(decode(to_char({},'MON-YYYY'),to_char({today},'MON-YYYY'),1,0))  keep(dense_rank last order by {})
           - Formula (Numeric) = Value = 0

5. Results tab > Columns subtab > set the following:
      >Field = Name
        Summary Type = Group

      >Field = Formula (Text)
        Summary Type = Maximum
        Formula = max(to_Char({},'MON-YYYY')) keep(dense_rank last order by {})

6. Enter a name for the search.
7. Click Save & Run.


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