Sunday, September 9, 2018

Link an Existing Invoice to an Existing Customer Payment Through CSV Import

To link an existing open invoice to an existing customer payment through CSV Import, perform the following steps:

     1. Create the CSV file with the following format:

               Payment Internal ID,Invoice Internal ID,Payment Amount,Payment

  • Payment Internal ID is the Internal ID of the payment
  • Invoice Internal ID is the Internal ID of the invoice
  • Payment Amount is the amount that you have in the Payment Amount field of the Payment record
  • Payment is the amount to apply to the invoice and this should be less than or equal to the Payment Amount field of the Payment record

     2.  Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

     3.  Select Transactions in the Import Type field.

     4. Select Customer Payment in the Record Type field.

     5.  Click Select.

     6. Locate the CSV file then click Open.

     7. Click Next.

     8. Select Update for Data Handling.

     9. Click Next.

     10.  In the Field Mapping, map the following:

Your Fields

NetSuite Fields

Payment Internal ID

Customer Payment: Internal ID

Payment Amount

Customer Payment: Payment Amount

Invoice Internal ID

Customer Payment Invoices: Invoice


Customer Payment Invoices: Payment (Req)

     11.  Click Next.

     12. Provide an Import Map Name.

     13. Click Save & Run.

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