Monday, September 17, 2018

Hide the Title of Online Customer Form when Published in Web Site

To Hide title of Online Customer Form when published in Web Site, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Setup > Web Site > Color Themes > New.

2. Enter name of Color Themes.

3. Set the following (mix and match, depending on the test and trial to blend with the background user have in webstore):

  • Header Bar Color
  • Header Bar Text Color
  • Header Trim Color
  • Page Top Background Color

4. Click Save.

5. Navigate to Setup > Marketing > Online Customer Form.

6. Edit the Online Customer Form.

7. Click the Set Up Appearance tab.

8. In the Color Theme field, assign the color theme created in Step # 2.

9. Click Save.

Note: The text in the title of the Online Customer form is not deleted but since the color is same with the background color in the web site page, it is not seen by user. The users may still be able to read the Online Customer Form Title, by highlight the text.

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