Monday, September 17, 2018

Exclude Quantities On Hand from Inactive Locations on Saved Search.

Selecting On Hand and Available as a criteria for Saved Searches includes quantity on hand from inactive locations. To exclude quantity on hand from inactive locations, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New.
  2. Click Items.
  3. On Criteria tab and Standard subtab, set Inventory Locations and select all active locations.
  4. On Results tab and Columns subtab, set the following:
    • Location On Hand
    • Location Available
      • Those two options show quantities only from active locations.
  5. To show a one-liner result for each item, on Results tab, set the following:
    • Location On Hand = Summary Type to Sum
    • Location Available = Summary Type to Sum
    • Name = set to Group

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