Saturday, September 15, 2018

Display Records Created after a Certain Time of Day during the Weekdays Using a Saved Search


Set a criteria filter on the saved search using a formula.

     1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

     2. Select Transaction.

     3. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add Formula (Text).

     4. In the Popup window, use the formula below:

Case WHEN to_char({datecreated},'HH24') >= 17 AND to_char({datecreated},'D') between 2 AND 6 then 'T' END

Note: This lists all transactions created after 5PM during weekdays (M-F)

     5. In the Formula (Text) field, select IS then enter T in the textbox.
     6. Click Set.
     7. Click Save & Run.

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