Sunday, September 16, 2018

Display Line Item Rate When Fulfilling Sales Orders

Duration: 2 min.

When creating a Sales Order the Rate (Unit Price) of an item is visible in the transaction form by default. However, when the order is fulfilled, the Item Fulfillment form does not have a column that shows the line item rates.

To resolve this, a custom transaction column field can be created to source the item rate information from the Sales Order record to the Item Fulfillment form. To do this, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Transaction Column Fields > New.
2. Provide a Label.
3. Set Type to Currency.
4. Uncheck Store Value.
5. Under Applies To tab, check Item Fulfillment.
6. In the Validation & Defaulting tab, set the following:
     Default Value: {itemunitprice}
 Formula: Yes
7. Click Save.
8. View a sales order and click Fulfill. The Item Fulfillment form should now display the Rate column (last). To move the Rate column in the sublist, see Configuring Subtabs for Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.


  1. Hello and thank you for the wealth of information you make available. This article is close to one of my current topics. Maybe you could help me?
    I'm trying to build a query that lists all the lines belonging to transactions (quotes and invoices) that have an empty rate. I'm not succeeding. Do I need to create a specific field as you indicate in this tutorial or is there a solution through a saved search? I can't find on my side... Thank you in advance and again Bravo for this very useful blog!

  2. Update this to reflect...
    Add the column from the item fulfillment screen, under customize. There is no option for Transaction COlumn fields in the latest revision, and also, currency must be decimals. System won't let you save as currency. Otherwise, this worked perfectly! Thank you,
