Friday, September 21, 2018

Display the Default Shipping Address of Customer in the Record's Main Page

User entered a default shipping address on the customer record under the Address tab. User wants to display the default shipping address on the main area of the entity record. User is unable to display the default shipping address on the main area of the entity record which will looks like as the Address box (showing the default billing).

This could be accomplished through a custom field. To create the custom field, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
     2. Provide a Label (e.g. Ship Address).
     3. Set Type to Text Area.
     4. Store Value = F.
     5. In the Applies To tab, check Customer.
     6. In the Display tab, set the following:

  • Subtab: Main
  • Display Type: Disabled
  • Display Size: 40 x 3

     7. In the Validation & Defaulting tab > Default Value box, use the formula below:

{companyname} || '
     ' || NVL2({shipaddr1}, {shipaddr1} || '
     ', '')
     NVL2({shipaddr2}, {shipaddr2} || '
     ', '')
     NVL2({shipcity}, {shipcity} || ' ', '') ||
     NVL2({shipstate}, {shipstate} || ' ','') ||{shipzip} || {shipcountry}

      Note: Formula = T.

     8. Click Save.


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