Thursday, September 13, 2018

Determine if a User Maintains Separate Passwords for PayPal Manager (Login Password) and Payflow Pro (Transaction Password).

In Payflow Pro, users have the following password management options:

  • To maintain a single password for PayPal Manager (login password) and Payflow Pro (transaction password).
  • To maintain a separate password for PayPal Manager (login password) and Payflow Pro (transaction password).

It is important that a user knows if they maintain a single password or not, so they can correctly configure their PayFlow Pro account in NetSuite. If a user has multiple passwords, it should enter the Transaction password not the login password in NetSuite.


To check if a user a has single or separate password, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Account Administration > Manage Security > Change Password.
  2. If the page displays "You have a single password to log in to PayPal Manager, and to perform PayFlow Pro  transactions. Here, you can either change your single password, or create a separate password for PayPal Manager.", this means the customer does not maintain separate passwords for PayPal Manager (login password) and Payflow Pro (transaction password).

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