Friday, September 7, 2018

Determine the Format and Value of Record Fields


In NetSuite, there are a large number of record fields, fields types, and ways in which their values may be sourced. As a result, it is unfortunately not practical for the Web Services documentation to cover every possible scenario. Instead, NetSuite has made it possible to "reverse-engineer" the way in which a field is set. This approach is especially useful to determine how more complex field types, such as multi-select, are set.

  1. Log into NetSuite and create a record that contains the field(s) in question.
  2. Ensure that the field(s) they want reverse-engineered are given appropriate values.
  3. Save the record and record the system-generated internal ID of the record.
  4. Record the internal ID of each field they wish to reverse engineer.
  5. Use the Web Services GET method to retrieve the record.
    Note: Use the internal ID in step 2 to uniquely identify the record you want retrieved.
  6. Walk through the various fields of the returned record.
This will show the customer how the field values provided in step 1 are rendered in SOAP.


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