Saturday, September 15, 2018

Deploy a workflow to a Specific Role

Customer wants to deploy a workflow only to a specific Role.

How do we do this since when we go to  Customization > Workflow > WorkFlows > New, you can only deploy to a NetSuite Record.

In the workflow summary, there are 3 ways to set the condition:

  1. Choose to use 'Visual Builder' and create a condition with the following settings:
    Field: User Role
    Compare Type: any of
    Selection: *Choose a role (e.g. Employee Center)

    Click the 'Add' button then 'Save'. The condition output should look something like this: User Role = Employee Center

  2. Choose to use 'Custom Formula' then put {nlrole}=1 in the formula value //where 1 is a valid role internal id

  3. Choose to use 'Custom Formula' then put {userrole}=-5 in the formula value //where -5 is a valid role internal id


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