Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Department of Billable expense report does not populate on the GL impact of the invoice

Problem/Business Requirement/Unique Question:


Department of Billable expense report does not populate on the GL impact of the invoice


Symptoms/Details of Business Requirements/Any Additional Information:


Set up> Accounting> Invoicing Preferences> Combine Expenses Items on Invoices = Yes

Set up> Accounting> Accounting Preferences> Classifications> Allow Per-Line Departments = Yes


1. Create Expenses with at least 3 line items

---Transactions> Employees> Enter Expense Report

2. Enter Department

3. Enter Customer name

4. Set as billable

5. Save

---Transactions> Sales> Create invoice> Enter Billable customer

---On the Billable Expense tab> Put a check mark on the apply box


Result: Hit the GL Impact of the Invoice, the Department column is empty.

Solution/Workaround/Gotcha/Recommendation Details:


-Turn off the Combine Expenses Items on Invoices preference

-Set up> Accounting> Invoicing Preferences> Combine Expenses Items on Invoices = No > Click Save

-Edit and save the invoice.  After doing this the Department from the Expense Report should populate in the GL impact of the invoice. 




Code: KB_IVR_1.1_<DCL-003>

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