Saturday, September 8, 2018

Customer Status (Lead) is Unavailable from the Source Analysis Reports

The Customer Status will not be available in the Lead Source Analysis Report if the Include In Lead Reports checkbox is disabled after the status is created.  Once this customer status has been assigned to a lead record, the checkbox will automatically be disabled. The ability to turn this setting on and off is still an active enhancement request - Enhancement #125115.
Alternate Solution:

1. Create a new customer status, fill out all mandatory fields and make sure that the Include In Lead Reports checkbox is enabled.
   a. Navigate to Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses > New.
   b. On the Customer Status screen, fill out the following fields:
       - Status
       - Probability
       - Description
       - Include in Lead Reports = T
   c. Click Save.
2. Run Mass Update to re-assign the lead records to the new Customer Status. 
   a. Navigate to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.
   b. On the Mass Updates screen, expand General Updates and click the Customer link.
   c. On the Criteria tab > set the Status field = currently used customer status.
   d. Go to the Mass Update Fields tab > put a checkmark to the apply box for the field that will be updated (e.g. Status).
   e. On the Status field select the new customer status created from step #1.
   f. Click Preview.
   g. Use the Apply checkbox to include/exclude specific leads in the mass update.
   h. Click Perform Update.
Note:  All leads included in the mass update should now appear with the new Customer Status (with Include In Lead Reports=T).  This Customer Status is also included in the Lead Source Analysis Report.

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