Saturday, September 8, 2018

Customer deposit shows negative on A/R Aging Report

There was a Customer Deposit that has been recorded and applied to an open invoice. 
It was noted that the amount of Deposit is greater than the amount of the invoice. 
This resulted to show a negative amount on the A/R aging report due to the un-applied customer deposit balance. 

To fix, delete the deposit application and re-process the payment application. 
1. Go to the paid invoice > History tab > Payment sub tab then click the Date next to the Deposit Application link. 
2. Hit Edit next to the Deposit Application and click Delete button then hit OK (this will re-open the invoice) 
3. View the re-opened invoice then hit Accept Payment button 
4. Payment amount field should be zero. 
5. Go to the Deposits tab then mark the Apply check box next to the deposit. 
6. Edit the Payment field equal to the amount of invoice. 
7. Save 

Result: Unapplied customer deposit will not show on the aging AR report. 
NOTE: Customer deposit is not classified as part of Asset but as Liability of the Company instead.

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