Monday, September 17, 2018

Creator of Task to Receive Notification Once Task is Completed

This can be accomplished through a saved search setup as an email alert. To create the search, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.

2. Select Task.

3. In the Email tab, set the following:

     a. Check Send Email Alerts when Records are Created/Updated.

     b. In the Recipients from Results subtab, set:

          i. In Recipient Field, add Created By
          ii. Check Send on Update checkbox

          ii. In the Updated Fields subtab, set:

·         Field = Status

·         When new value is = Completed

4. Click the Results tab > Columns subtab to add:

·         Created By (Note: It is very important to have this field or the alert will not work)

·         Add other required fields

5. Click Save

Note: Enhancement 29243 has been filed for the ability to be emailed when an assigned task is completed.


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