Thursday, September 20, 2018

Create System DSN Entry on the ODBC Data Source After Installing ODBC Driver 6.0

1. Identify the users Operating System.  If user is using Windows 64bit architecture, the ODBC Data Source is located at this directory: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\

-locate the file odbcad32.exe;

Note: Control Panel > Adminstration Tool > Data Source is pointing to the 32 Bit Data Sources. After installation of ODBC driver 6.0, only User DSN is created, and System DSN is blank. Some application needs to have a System DSN entry like MS SQL Server,Crystal Reports etc.
2. To Create a System DSN, open the ODBC Data Source;
  - Go to System DSN tab. 
  - Click Add button and select Netsuite ODBC 6.0 from the Data Source Driver.
  - Add the preferences below;
                     1. Datasource name and Description ="Any string values that describes NS connection"
                     2. Service Host= ODBCSERVER.NETSUITE.COM
                     3. Service Port= 1708
                     4. Enable Encrypted (SSL) checkbox 
                     5. Click the Service Data Source button and Select 

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