Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Create a Search to Display Member Items of an Assembly, Kit/Packages and Item Groups

To display Member Items of an Assembly, Kit/Packages and Item Groups and the Quantity required, perform the following:

1.      Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New.

2.      Click Item.

3.  Type > any of > Assembly/Bill of Materials, Item Group, Kit Package

4.      On Results tab and Columns subtab, set the following:

o        Name

o        Display Name

o        Description

o        Type

o        Member Item

o        Member Quantity

5.      Click Save.

As an alternative option, users may perform the following:

1.      Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New.

2.      Click Transactions.

3.  Type > any of > Assembly/Bill of Materials, Item Group, Kit Package

4.      On Results tab and Columns subtab, set the following:

o        Item = Summary Type: Group.

o        Item Fields > Member Item = Summary Type: Group

o        Item Fields > Member Quantity

o        Formula (Numeric) > Summary Type: Sum > Formula={quantity}*{item.memberquantity} > Custom Label=Any appropriate name.

5.      Click Save.

This search can only show member items names up to the 1st Sub Assembly and does show the respective quantities on that level.

Note: Users may attach their case to Enhancement 49046: Provide a report that displays the BOM structure by using assembly as the criteria.



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