Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Create a Search of Items Showing All Changes on its Old Quantity & Value and New Quantity & Value Caused by Inventory Worksheet Adjustments

To create a search of items showing all changes on its Old Quantity & Value and New Quantity & Value caused by Inventory Worksheet Adjustments, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
  2. Click Transaction.
  3. On Criteria tab and Standard subtab, set the following:
    • Type | Inventory Worksheet
    • Main Line | No
  4. On Results tab and Columns subtab, set the following:
    • Document Number | Group
    • Date | Group
    • Item | Group
    • Amount
    • Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type: Maximum | Formula: CASE WHEN{quantity}<1 or { quantity }=0 THEN { quantity }*-1 ELSE 0 END | Custom Label: QTY AS OF DATE ABOVE | Summary Label: QTY AS OF DATE ABOVE
    • Formula (Currency) | Summary Type: Maximum | Formula: CASE WHEN{amount}<1 or {amount}=0 THEN {amount}*-1 ELSE 0 END | Custom Label: VALUE AS OF DATE ABOVE | Summary Label: VALUE AS OF DATE ABOVE
    • Formula (Numeric) | Summary Label: Maximum | Formula: CASE WHEN{ quantity }>1 or { quantity }=0 THEN { quantity }*1 ELSE 0 END | Custom Label: NEW QTY | Summary Label: NEW QTY
    • Formula (Currency) | Summary Type: Maximum | Formula: CASE WHEN{amount}>1 or {amount}=0 THEN {amount}*1 ELSE 0 END | Custom Label: NEW VALUE | Summary Label: NEW VALUE
  5. Click Save.

Note: The said search shows a result grouping all items adjusted in an Inventory Worksheet Adjustments, showing the earliest quantity and value and the final quantity and value, regardless of the number of worksheet adjustments made.

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