Saturday, September 8, 2018

Create a Saved Search which Displays All Items that Were Closed on a Sales Order


We can customize the sales orders list to show those line items that were closed:


1. Navigate to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List

2. Click Customize View or Edit View

3. Under Criteria > Standard, set the following:
    -- Main Line = False
    -- Type = Sales Order
    -- Closed = True

4. On the Results tab > Columns sub tab > remove or add details if necessary. Make sure the following fields are added on the columns sub tab:


1.       Date – to show the transaction date

2.       Type – to show the nature of the transaction where the line item belongs to

3.       Document Number – to show which transaction number the line item belongs to

4.     Name – to show the customer name assigned to the transaction

5.     Item - to show the name of item that was closed



5. Go to Available Filters, add Date as a filter. You can also add Status as a filter if you want. Check Show in Filter Region to be able to change the filter from Results page.

6. Click Preview and/or Save.

This will give you all line items closed for in a period.




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