Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Create a report snapshot to show parent customer' sales including sales of sub-customer

User needs to show the total sales (parent and child customer) on the dashboard
  1. Navigate to Reports > Sales > Sales by Customer > Customize
  2. Sorting > Sales: Amount (Net). Add. Descending = Y.
  3. Move up.
  4. More Options > Expand Level = Collapse All (to display top level data only)
  5. Preview
  6. Notice that parent customers' sales includes child customers' sales. Click on the + sign to view the sales of child customers.
  7. Click Return to Customization.
  8. Enter Report Name.
  9. Click Save and Create a Snapshot. Enter Portlet Title, check wide or narrow. Save.
  10. Navigate to Home > Settings > Personalize Dashboard > Add Content > Report Snapshots > Custom Select custom snapshot created earlier.

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